Creating change for our future generations

Empowering & strengthening community participation and family-led decision-making in the care of our children.


The information and resources developed and shared aim to support Aboriginal child, family, and community led decision-making. By providing volunteers who can support you to make informed decisions. Our online resources share information and access to volunteers who can support you and your family on your journey. Our volunteers and supports do not make decisions, or provide casework or transport. We can assist in walking with you through the process and the available supports within the Illawarra.

Truth telling

We develop and provide access to community education and resources that promote truth-telling and understanding of the child protection system and decision-making, your rights, and responsibilities. We also provide cultural education to the sector when working with our children, families, and the community.


Through truth-telling and working together for improved outcomes for our children, families, and communities. Encourage and promote Aboriginal-led decision-making to create a strong foundation keeping our children safe, wrapped in culture and on country. We aim to do this through our experienced Aboriginal volunteers, who belong to community, are unfunded, and understand the sector and departmental processes.

We must remember that the reason for removal in all policy documents was to give people a better life. The abuse our people suffered as a result demonstrates the exact opposite.
— Richard Weston, Previous CEO, The Healing Foundation